Thursday, September 30, 2010


Fruit flies have taken over my kitchen!! No wonder, when I have had such an abundance of fresh fruit, but what do I do to get rid of them? I know there are many creatures that would be more annoying, more scary, more dangerous, but these little pests are really annoying. So, I go online to get some ideas of how to eradicate these pesky things. With saran over the top of the glass and with holes poked into the saran, and some soapy water and fruit peels in the glass they crawl into the glass and there they meet their doom. It is working!!! They crawl in but can't find a way out and they drown!

One person suggested they were too small to shoot. One said to eat a few and the rest would be so scared they would leave but I found this to be the easiest method of elimination. So this is your helpful hint of the day!
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