Monday, July 6, 2009

BDC-2009- Day 5

Arriving early on Friday morning the Rome marketplace looks much different than it does when the children get there. It's kinda the calm before the storm.

Gayle is cooking up "rat kabobs" for the children's snack.

A Roman soldier closes a Christian's shop. The Christian would not deny that she was a Christian.

Noel leads one of the boys groups in a game.

All the Roman Guards get involved in leading the song for the kids.

Some beautiful girls during closing time.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

BDC 2009- Day 4

Roman officials.

Margaret, who kept each of us supplied with goods and held the entire program together.

Gayle, who prepared all the refreshments for the kids and Betty, who brought goodies for the workers each day, plus helped baby sit.

How sweet is this!!!!

Zack was such a big help with the babies.

Hope and Renea, who made coffee and tea each day.

A skit by some of the Pleasant Valley group.

Wilma and Bev in the wreath making shop.

The carpenter shop was a favourite for some of the older boys.
Attendance was down a bit today but still lots of activity happening. We focused a lot on the babies today. The ones who looked after the babies so the parents could teach are really an asset.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

BDC- day 3

Not many new things to photograph today. An ordinary citizen of Rome is being promoted to a high position and is given some precious gifts, a necklace and ring are being placed upon him. Also a photograph of the carpenter and one of Noel and Andrew and Cassie during the opening time. Our total today was 155. Down a bit from yesterday. We are celebrating Canada Day today and paid tribute to Canada during our song time.