Sometimes it does not pay to make any changes. Knowing the old vent to the dryer needed to be cleaned and wondering if it was a safe type of vent pipe to use on a dryer (though we had been using it for 12 years with no fires) I decided we need to invest in a new one. A trip to Canadian Tire was the order of the day. We purchased one that could be stretched to 8 feet, which would be adequate for our vent.
With Wayford on one end and me on the other we began to stretch the vent pipe. It just needed to be a few inches longer so we pull, when, Alas! the thing ripped apart. Now what do we do? Red Green would recommend duct tape. Soooo duct tape it is.
Well, guess that didn't work, so spend another $15 and get one that appears to be sturdier.
Supposed to be able to stretch it to 8 feet but because of the problems with the other one we only have it to about 7 feet and are afraid to stretch it farther, so you see where it is now.
After cleaning the lint from the old one, which is not the vent of choice....... Perhaps later we will have the courage to stretch the new one to 8 feet.