Thursday, November 18, 2010

Have you had days that feel like this? I can explain some of the attire! I had purchased new shoes. $135+tx. Will I be able to wear them? After being instructed by the shoe store to wear them a few minutes morning and evening to see if they feel good, I did that. I can also explain the long underwear showing under the robe. I had just finished my morning walk. I know you are just dying to know if the shoes felt good. They didn't. I had to return them. Now I am $135 +tx richer!!! There is absolutely no explanation for the robe and the hair and the face. Now you know what Wayford has to put up with.


Roger and Sandra said...

This is scary, especially when people say we look alike.

Roger and Sandra said...

That last comment was from Sandra

Unknown said...

I was going through my 2009 blog to make my annual book, and came across of a photo of myself that looks frighteningly similar. Sandra--we just have to embrace it!