Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Waiting Game

Took our computer in on Friday because the fan was making a noise (computer only one year old, just out of warranty) should have bought a Mac!  The computer man said, "Bring it in.  I will fix it on the spot."  So, we go for lunch, come back and lo and behold something happened to the mother board!  Should have bought a Mac!  Holiday weekend.  Check on Tuesday, had to order the mother board and it had not come in.  "Should be in any time and when it comes in it will only take 20 min. to install." Check Wednesday morning.  Still waiting on Purolator to deliver the part.  About noon, we go for our swim, call after the swim, should be there any time and it will only take 20 min. to install it.  We go for lunch, getting lots of fast food these days!  He is to call my cell phone when it is ready.  At 2:00 we call again.  It will be ready in about an hour.  Remember it only takes 20 min. to install it!  We drive to his business and wait, and wait, and wait.  About 3:15 it is ready.  Hooray!  The mother board was under warranty but the fan was not.  So 6 days and $60 later we have our computer back and working well.  Should have bought a Mac!


Unknown said...

Did Roger help you write this one?

Roger and Sandra said...

Sandra says, Roger always said" once you go Mac, you never go Back"