Then, I couldn't understand why she had so much problem getting her hands to do what she wanted them to do. Tomorrow I have to have surgery on one of my fingers because I can't get it to do what I want it to do. Even that surgery won't correct the arthritis that I have in my hands.
One year Wayford and I stayed with Grandma a couple of weeks and did a thorough cleaning of her house. We would pick up an item and see all the dust and think "Oh, my, look at all the dust that has collected." Last week, when the sun was shining, revealing all the dust bunnies in my bedroom, I could not believe how I had let all that dust pile up! Even behind the pictures on the wall there were piles of dust.
And then there's the balance thing. As I age I notice that all is well until something throws me a bit off balance, and then whoa!! I better have something to grab onto.
Oh, and Grandma would buy a pair of shoes and they wouldn't fit right. Guess who is now having to have really expensive shoes because of problems with her feet???
And, then there is that little problem called shhhhh "flatulence" ! I've smiled a bit at older folk when that problem just happened!!!! Now I know it is sooooo unavoidable! I should have been more understanding.
Be careful what you think of us older folk because "what goes around, comes around"!